The Miry Clay

Growing up working every summer for my dad’s plumbing company, and digging lots of ditches and holes, I can tell ya that the worst thing to dig was that miry, Texas clay. It sticks to everything! It even forms a suction on the shovel and makes it really tough to pull it back out! It doesn’t take long for your shovel and shoes to weigh 3x as much as when you started…. That is, if you can get your shoe out that got stuck in that nasty and sticky clay! And even when you do get it out and put it on, you carry the weight around with you and leave traces of it everywhere you go. That’s why I love the verse in psalm chapter 40 that says “He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, making my footsteps firm.” 
If you ever feel like you’re stuck, weighted down, and that you’re tracking your mess all over the place, then check out the previous verse…. “I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard MY CRY.” 
Cry out to God who hears and He’s gonna help you! He’s gonna pull you out of that clay…… And He’s also been known to wash some feet.

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Posted in Blogs by Christopher.

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