No Good Thing Will God Withhold

Psalm 84:11

For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.

This verse has been one that I’ve held onto and shared in times of great “situations”, times of waiting, and even times of wanting in life. God is a sun and shield, which means he not only sheds light and gives life, but he also protects us. Even from things we think are good, but aren’t best for us. Then He reminds us that there’s no good thing He will withhold from us who walk uprightly. So in those moments when we’re faced with questions of “why can’t I” or “will that ever happen for me” or “am I going to get that job” or “will I ever get married or have kids”????? Or even when we face disappointments and wonder why God didn’t allow what we believed was best for us. Remember that there’s nothing good that He’ll withhold from us and often times He’s protecting us and has something greater around the corner! I hope this encourages you as it has encouraged me.

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