The Spirit of Completion

A dear friend and pastor taught me something several years back that has really stuck with me. What he taught me is the importance of completion. He said that there is a spirit of completion that God wants us to obtain in our lives. It’s something that many people don’t have. This is very apparent in addicts and others who get stuck in cycles that they are unable to break. It’s also seen in folks who always leave things hanging. They always leave loose ends and leave projects unfinished. These may be somewhat tangible things such as a book you started, yet never got past the 3rd chapter. Or a weekend home project that you started 2 years ago that has left your home in a permanent state of incompletion. Then there are the not so obvious areas such as relationships and personal growth. Both of which have seasons of completion in order to transition into newness and depth.

Life has chapters just like a book. We complete one and move on to the next. We conquer mountains, fight through temptations, win battles, reconcile relationships, and resolve conflicts. These are things we complete. We tie up loose ends through hearing people out and following through. We turn the pages by forgiveness and moving forward. We persevere! We run the race – a race that has a finish line. We don’t just do this because it’s recommended or so that we can continually get ahead in life. We do this because completion is an aspect of God’s character. Even from the beginning, as God created the heavens and the earth, He completed something each day. Then we skip ahead several chapters of time when Jesus says, “It is finished” as he hung on a cross. He completed something! And although one thing was completed, the Father proves once again that He never just leaves things “hanging”. Although the payment for our sin was complete, and although the law was fulfilled… Jesus was placed in a borrowed tomb where he walked into hell and took Satan’s own house keys away from him. The Father raised Christ from the dead so that we too can LIVE! Talk about completion. Now as we jump many chapters ahead to the here and now, we find ourselves, and there’s a great work that has begun in us! And there’s good news found in Philippians 1:6 that tell us that He who has begun this work in us is faithful to complete it. COMPLETION!

The spirit of completion is necessary in the life of the believer. It’s proof of God’s work in our lives. This is not always easy. As a matter of fact, it is seldom easy. But it’s necessary. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says that to everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven. Seasons aren’t meant to last. They change. But the change should come through completion, not neglect. If there is an area in your life that needs completion, I encourage you to follow the Lord to the finish line. He’s always leading in that direction! Pray for conviction and Spirit led commitment to the purposes you’re meant to fulfill in your life. If you’ve been called to a fast, complete it. If you’re in a difficult season in your marriage, persevere and complete it. If you’re enrolled in school, complete it. If you’ve started a project at work or home, complete it. And most of all, the race you’re running for the Lord…. Complete it! Just like Paul in 2 Timothy 4:7 said, “ I have fought the good fight, I have finish the race. I have kept the faith”.

Tie up the loose ends knowing that God’s going to do the same. It won’t be long until our time on earth is complete. He’ll leave no loose ends and won’t leave us hanging. He’s going to follow through. Let’s make every effort to do the same!

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Posted in Blogs by Christopher.

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