The Journey

The Journey

By Chris Taylor


Psalm 106:13-14

But they soon forgot what He had done and did not wait for His counsel. In the desert they gave in to their craving; in the wasteland they put God to the test.


Wait a minute… God just did something amazing in the lives of his people! He brought them out of Egypt where they were slaves living in oppression. He delivered them! Then he parted the sea and gave them a clear and dry path to take. He made a way when there was no way! Then he destroyed the army that was chasing after them right before their very eyes. But now they find themselves in-between the previous miracle and the next promise.


God didn’t deliver them to leave them in the desert. The desert was part of the journey. Journeys can be tough. I’m not a road trip kinda guy and I have no desire to be in a car for 8 hours, yet I love to travel. But what I’ve discovered is this; the further the destination is, the longer the journey. With this in mind, I’m thankful for the journey in my life! The journey is not the destination, but it’s a place to be thankful and it’s a place of expectancy. He brought them out to bring them through! But what happens when we lose that gratitude and expectancy? What happens when we forget what God has done and what He’s doing? What happens when we forget that He’s taking us somewhere that is going to be more than what we imagined? The answer is simple. We become dissatisfied.


The journey isn’t always easy. It can seem very dry at times and we can become hungry. They were hungry, yet they were on their way to a place that had grapes larger than they could carry on their own! They were complaining about their stomachs while God was taking them to the land of milk and honey. They not only forgot what God had done, but they forgot that He’s got a destination ready that will more than supply their needs and satisfy their hunger.


We too get hungry on the journey. It’s easy to get our eyes off of the Lord and His blessings. How quickly we too forget. But we must be quick to remember that God has a plan and that He satisfies. The destination will be a place that has the “grapes”. Hold out for the promise of God! Don’t fill yourself with temporary pleasures that don’t truly satisfy because God’s got something in store for you that is more than enough. Remember the journey is temporary, and if it seems long, be thankful that it’s far from where you started.


I remember when my parents were taking me out to a really nice celebration dinner. I had just completed all my courses and received my minister’s license. We had planned it in advance and made reservations because this place was super nice! That day, my parents urged me to just eat a few snacks because they were so excited about the upcoming feast. Knowing that we were going to have this several course dinner gave me the ability to wait and to resist the temptation of that devilish drive-through window. When we arrived at our destination, I was so glad that I waited. It was worth it and I was able to enjoy to the fullest what was awaiting me.


Cravings are real! If you’re in the desert, remember that God is bringing you through. You haven’t reached the destination and you don’t want to make the desert you’re destination either! Bring your heart and mind back to a place of remembrance and thanksgiving. Through time with the Lord, let Him renew the vision in your life and then trust God enough to bring you through the desert and to the destination! There are blessings just waiting your arrival!

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Posted in Blogs by Christopher.

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