Thank You…

I’m so grateful today to know the Lord. He is so good to me! Not only has he saved me and delivered me from my past and covered my sins in the blood, but he has restored my life. I can honestly understand the passage of scripture that says, I shall not want. I’m not lacking any good thing. He’s completed my life. He alone! I’ve found that being complete and content doesn’t require a wife, a lot of money, “stuff”, or anything else this world has to offer. He has made me complete. Now anything else is icing on the cake. Cake that has all sorts of ingredients mixed into it. Ingredients of trials along with sweetness, brokenness and stirring. It’s cake that has been through the oven, or as we like to say, “the fire”.  And because He did the mixing, He’s involved in it all. He’s been faithful. He’s caused all things to work together for my good, to show that He is good. And when people in my life taste the product of what He’s made, they can taste His goodness.

Thank you Father for your goodness to me. Thank you for your kindness. I pray that others will see you when they see me. I pray that others will want what I have, which is YOU!

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