Humbly you came..

Humbly you came to the earth you created…

I glorified You on earth, having accomplished the work which You have given Me to do. Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was.
John 17:4-5

We often talk about the sacrifice on the cross. How He humbled Himself in that moment… but how humbling it must have been to have left the “Glory which He had with the Father before the world was”.

When Chelsey and I were preparing for Marriage and began searching for a place of our own, we looked at many properties. The problem was, we grew up in nice homes and have expensive taste. The home I was moving out of was a big beautiful home on a historic street in our city. When we began searching, we quickly shut down any place that seemed less than what we each had before. We didn’t want to step down. Some of the places were once beautiful, but hadn’t been taken care of. Some had been trashed and cleaned up just enough to be presentable on the outside. Some were overrun by insects of a specific kind… gross. And what we really wanted was something that was new or had been made new.

As I read this prayer of Jesus this morning, I realized that His transition was much more dramatic than any place we could have chosen to live. He left the Glory of Heaven to come to a world and to lives that had not been taken care of. Created to be beautiful, in the image of God, now full of sin.
How great a sacrifice, even before the cross. How great a love that would stoop low to where we are to make us brand new.

I want my life, this temple for His spirit, to be a beautiful place for Him to dwell! He’s made me new and has made beauty from my ashes. So today, I choose to glorify Him, and to hold tight to purity and holiness. I chose to walk humbly with my God, remembering the sacrifices He made for me.

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