Instruction is Life

Proverbs 4:13
Take hold of instruction; do not let go. Guard her, for she is your life.

The life God has for you involves receiving, knowing, and following His instructions.
Instruction is Direction or Order. It tells us how something is to be done.

God gives instruction all throughout His word. And Holy Spirit also gives us instruction as He guides us and empowers us in day to day living. Guard your instruction and keep to her, for instruction is your life!

What is God instructing you to do today? What does His word say about your situation or struggle? What has he commanded you to do?

Are you praying for and loving your enemy? Are you giving thanks in all circumstances? Are you crying out for wisdom and understanding? Are you being a doer of His word or are you just a hearer? Are you working at your job as if you’re working for the Lord?

His instructions are life! So to LIVE to the fullest is to follow them! He came to give life and to give it more abundantly. If that’s His desire for you, then you can trust his instructions.

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